Why do we get afraid?

Why do we get afraid?

Even though our brain gives us the ability to speak languages, it helps us in walking without any issues, it gives us the ability to think and if it starts to count all this list will be so long. But regardless of all this ability of our brain, it's lacking in order to completely understand the reality. I mean when it comes to our life or when we are in any risk our mind made a prediction at that particular time for our mind saving you from threat is most important So why this happens why some get scared of spiders, dogs, hight, ghost in the dark why our mind thinks that is dangerous why our mind thinks that it's best to run away even though u don't want to all this seems like it's not in our control let's find out the answers  Every day our minds have lots of things to do like giving commands to our body parts, responding to messages which are coming from the outside or inside our the body simply our minds have a lot to do and for doing all this our body needs metabolic energy of our body. In fact, our mind consumes 20% of our total energy, a resource to work which is a lot of energy as compared to its size. This would be less energy if our minds don't know how to manage this energy.


Think about it like its a conductor it has to work efficiently so that it won't lose its much energy in resistance.  So if our mind has to think before doing that work it would consume so much energy and our mind has lots of other things to do. So our mind evolved towards automation. Means without attention most of our things will get done. In this way, our mind conserves its energy and uses it towards things that are more important to us. Or in learning, because this is the way we humans progress and never get obsolete. To make things more clear to you even if we don't want our stomach to digest food. our liver will continue to produce bile juice and u should be thankful for all its automation mode of your mind   Actually, our minds make most of our work is done in this automation mode in order to conserve as much energy as possible to free up things which are less important. But to put things in automation our minds have had to learn that thing. Like brushing our teeth  When we were small kids we learned how to brush our teeth. Now we can brush our teeth without even thinking about it. Want more examples here it is when we start learning driving vehicle we think a lot about maintaining the stability of vehicle but eventually as we continuously practice our mind made it automation means our mind already learned from your experience what to do so u can easily drive  Let's understand this energy-efficient way of working suppose you are shifting to a new home what u have to do is to accumulate things in a box and then you will shift to a new home you can't shift one by one small thing like utensils.


As we practice the same thing our mind make such kind of neural connections that it won't take much of its energy    Think about a hypothetical situation where you have to give all your 100% attention in order to do day to day tasks like when you wake up and going to brush your teeth even in waking you have to think about how much speed to go with now when you brushing your teeth you have to think about how much pressure you have to apply in order to squeeze out the paste from the tube and even while brushing teeth you have to think about how much force to apply to brush. now if u have to think this much your body would take so much of its energy. And you won't even be able to step out of your door. Your body would be so exhausted and this is why automation in our mind is so significant. Our minds will predict things in order to work efficiently  And this prediction of our mind is the reason behind our fears. When we see things that frighten us our mind wakes up our threat response system our mind will make a prediction of what could possibly happen if we won't run. When it comes to our lives, the mind gives it first priority. Release hormones like adrenalin and noradrenalin which result in changes you already familiar with like heartbeat become fast, we get goosebumps, we will feel more energy in order to escape. which results in changes you already familiar with like heartbeat become fast, we get goosebumps, we will feel more energy in order to escape.


All this make sense when there would be tiger charging you really, in that case, running away would be the best option to do we can't stop and think at that time and this shows when our mind is making us afraid it's not bad at all, in fact, it saves our life   So what we can do to overcome our fears. We don't need to be afraid of ghosts or of heights so do so one has to make new experiences like we really have to face the challenge in order to win your fears. Like if someone is afraid of heights he/she has to go to heights to win from fears. Thank you       

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